Contact us

To our customers: If you have any questions at all about our products please first see our FAQ page, see here for Shipping and here for Refunds and Returns. Still have questions? Do feel free to reach out to us, we'd love to hear from you!
To the trade: If you are a design company, yoga / meditation studio, offer retreats, events etc. we are able to offer trade discounts on multiple sets, please contact us with your information and quantity needed.
For retailers: If you are interested in wholesale please contact us for our line sheet and terms and we can discuss a partnership. Use the form provided here or email us at - include wholesale in the subject line.
For collaborations and sponsorships: If you are interested in collaborating with us as an influencer, non profit, event or brand please do reach out - we love to connect with like minded folks and partner up to amplify our voices in sharing the benefits of mindfulness and meditation. 
We look forward to hearing from you!